
A few months back, we were scammed by some scammers because we became greedy and lost almost $3 million.

We filed a police case to the cybercrime department and took their help to catch scammers but unfortunately, we could not do anything because of the decentralized, irreversible & anonymous nature of crypto.

We contacted some international agencies of the world also, but again nothing was found.

From that day, we accepted that it is very difficult to catch the scammers if they are really smart.

Day by day the frauds and scammers are increasing because they find this very easy and lucrative. They are not caught even.

Crime Rates & Criminals are increasing. People from the crypto industry are scammed with big amounts. What they believe that it is very easy to scam and run away without any clue.

We made research on scams and scammers in the crypto industry, We made some surveys also about scams and Ponzi schemes too. We found some shocking results. We found that many innocent poor, middle-class people lost too much amount that they committed suicide also.

These are not the suicides but rather they are the murders by the scammers. This is the murder of humanity. This must be stopped. We must do something to stop this.

So, we thought to protect others who can be the scammers’ next target. And started thinking about a unique initiative that can protect people who involve in the crypto industry and can easily be scammed. We are not sure what will we achieve or how many people can we save but we are very much sure that at least this initiative will provide a platform to protect innocent people.

If we succeed to save even a single person’s life, we will consider this initiative to be successful. Because If we save one person that means we are saving humanity. And that would be the biggest reward for us.

Our Slogan says everything: “We were scammed, Now we won’t let others be scammed”

We are the ones who were scammed and we think that is enough to start this initiative

We want to keep our identity anonymous because we don’t want to take credit for such a noble cause. We believe in Karmas and this good cause (Karmas) will help us to help people by protecting them against scammers & Frauds.

Even though someone wants to know about us then he/she can try to track our activities, we won’t mind this. But we will just request them to keep our identity secret limited to them only.

We are here to protect people and we will put our 100% effort with mind & heart.

How can we help you?

We just one email away from all you doubts and issues.
